Do you struggle to have a successful marketing plan each month?
In this second part of “How To Hit Your Marketing Goals” podcast, you will be listening in to a session from my most recent Mastermind event in Orlando where I show business owners from around the world how they can easily hit their marketing goals.
Tune in as you will hear me cover the final two “buckets of people” you can draw from and marketing strategies that your clinic can implement to make sure you can hit your targets easier than ever before. If you would like to listen to the first part of this podcast, you can find the link in the show notes, or on your favorite podcast platform under “How To Hit Your Marketing Goals, Episode 225”
If you like this podcast and want to learn how you can create your marketing plan for 2020 and how to boost your take home salary up $10,000 a month. Or if you are an insurance-based clinic, how you can attract new patients without doctors referrals.
You have the opportunity to learn from me Live this weekend in my “Marketing Plan 2020: How to Get All The New Patients You Need, Charge The Prices You Deserve” Webinar!
It’s happening this weekend, January 18th and 19th at 12 pm.
This live webinar with me is free to join, just head to to sign up.