Paul Gough

4 Ways To Recession Proof Your Clinic In 2020 : Mash-Up Monday | Episode 372

In this podcast you will be listening to a mash-up of “The Best content” from my 8 “cash saving tips” series to help you for the coming recession… you don’t want to miss this episode! Tune into this episode to hear: Where Doctor Referrals Will Go How To Sell In A Recession How To Avoid Being “Price Shopped”

In the current Global Crisis, there’s two specific things that will play a crucial factor in protecting your PT business from the downturn and ensuring that you make it through the coming recession.

Those two things are:
1. Recouping the cash you’ve missed out on
2. How you market and communicate to patients when money is tight (during the recession)

Why are they both so important?

Well, the chances are you have used up some (if not all) of your cash reserves just trying to survive the INITIAL Covid-19 crisis. Which is why I have been rolling out “free tips” over the past week on my social media channels to help you recoup cash and market when times are tough…

Download my FREE CASH GUIDE here –

If you like this podcast, and want access to My FREE CASH GUIDE, NOW head to to get the complete cash saving guide to help you through the coming recession. Again, to get access to this multi-page report dedicated to help you in the coming months….

Head to to get it for free today.

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