Paul Gough

Visiting Disneyland Without Freaking Out About The Bill – Record-Breaking Turnover, And Over 10K More Visits For Ross Nakaji In 2023

“With kids in college now, I have been able to travel and visit them, go to Disneyland without freaking out at the bill, travel to Maui and attend CEO meetings with Paul in Orlando to keep learning and growing. I have so much more personal freedom now.”

Ross is living the life that many private practice owners go to bed dreaming about!

And we interviewed Ross Nakaji, founder of Las Gatos Orthopedic Sports Therapy in California, as part of our community 32-page monthly magazine so you can learn how he achieved what so many fail to do – and so you can do the same!

Ross Nakaji

Ross’s clinic is generating over 65% more revenue in 2023, taking the total to over 3.3M with patient visits increasing by over 10,000

Ross is proof that regardless of whether the insurance companies cut reimbursements (again), or what the economy is doing, or who is in government, private practices CAN grow and generate a LOT of profit in this day and age.

You’ve just got to focus on the right things – the things that you CAN control (your marketing, your sales, your team development, your financial decisions)…

Ross is a member of the highest level of coaching Paul offers – CEO Mastermind – and shared that: “I joined CEO because we were having major people issues. No one got along; people were fighting, crying, and we were wasting so much time just getting them to work! I made some poor decisions in hiring.”

There’s a laser focus amongst CEO members, and only the very best in Paul’s World can join.

“Many things that come up are reminiscent of my startup days,” said Ross. “But the biggest thing about the CEO community is just that.”

“A community of business owners that are going through the same stuff as you. Now you have strength in numbers, and you are not alone. An even bigger benefit is they all realize the value of continued learning and personal development.”

While in CEO Mastermind, Ross has had to overcome some very big challenges but has always faced them head-on.

He reflected: “The main challenges I was facing when I first joined CEO Mastermind was staff productivity and staff development.

“I needed to learn how to become a better leader to get more out of my team. I also learned financial forecasting and developing our marketing spokes, but most importantly I started to embrace change which was a huge personal hurdle for me to overcome.”

And Ross is enjoying the rewards, with a massive increase in patient visits and turnover, going from just over 2M to over 3.3M, and from just under 11K visits to over 21K visits.

Ross with Paul and Other Members at our Event

Ross’s Journey From Working In An Out-Of-Network Clinic To Running A 3-Location PT Business With 26 Staff

Taking it back to the very beginning, he spoke of his decision to start his own physical therapy practice:

In 2002, during a family dinner, we discussed our dissatisfaction with the direction of physical therapy and my work in an out-of-network clinic. My wife and I, both physical therapists, decided to start a new practice with my father consulting and my wife managing administrative tasks while raising our young son, Garrison.”

“However, my father’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis in 2020 changed our plans, and we had to navigate starting the business mostly on our own, seeking advice from peers and learning as we went, all while expanding our family with the arrival of our daughter, Kimiko, in 2004.”

He continued: “In 20+ years, our clinic has grown to be something very different than what it was before. We have expanded to 3 other locations and have a team which includes 8 admin and 18 PTs.”

“How Can A Guy In Another Country Understand What I’m Going Through?”

When asked how he first became aware of Paul, he said: “Around 2017, I started listening to podcasts on my way to work or while working in the mornings.”

“So many people in the PT community don’t embrace the concept of cash or out-of-network PT but I have been doing it since 2000 in Los Gatos.”

By the time I heard of Paul and his podcast, he talked about mistakes and problems that I had already made.”

Ross continued: It was like he knew I was looking for solutions to hiring/firing, people objecting to not taking their insurance, and working the rat race by putting the hours in by seeing more patients when things got tight.

“I’ll be honest, my first thought was how can this guy in another country understand what I’m going through in California?”

“But I kept listening to his podcast and quickly realized the number of clinic owners he has coached over the years. Once I was inside his world I knew I wanted to go to the very top.”

What Does The Future Look Like For Ross?

Well, Ross is still planning on more adventures and even more growth in his business.

Ross shared: “I want to travel more, maybe Japan, and attend a Mastermind in London.

On the business side, I want to open 1-2 more clinics across our local area and my gross revenue goal for 2024 is to hit over $4M.

Want To Be Able To Travel The World Without Worrying About The Bill Like Ross?

Then book your ticket at our next event! You can find out all about our upcoming events at

Or if you want to make social media effortless, fix your underperforming website that doesn’t actually do anything, and put proven systems into your business that simplify marketing, and generate more money in your clinic?

Then click here for more info on my PhysioFunnels Marketing Program.

Not sure that you’re ready to come to an event or request a demo yet?

Ross started by listening to the podcast, which you can tune in to The Paul Gough Show at and is a fantastic place to start if you’re new to my world.

Other successful clinic owners start with one of my best-selling books which you can find out about at I’ve written books on marketing, sales, hiring, leadership, and my latest book – Extraordinary Achievement – which shares the most important lesson I’ve learned about how to get to the next level of success in business and life.

Whichever option you choose, the most important thing is that you do something if you aren’t in a position where you can travel the world without worrying about the bill like Ross.