Paul Gough

How Dan Grew His Revenue 45%, Dropped 20+ Hours, And Now Spends That Time With His New Baby

Not one, but THREE record-breaking months in 2024, AND reducing hours to spend more time with wife and children – Dan’s Story

Dan has been broken records at his private practice in 2023, and so far in 2024, as well as spending MORE time with his family…

So we spoke to Dan Trussler, co-founder of VITAL Health in Tiptree, Essex, where he shared his journey of success as part of our 32-page monthly magazine –  so you can do the same!

Dan Trussler
Dan Trussler, Co-Founder of VITAL Health

“Starting From A Husband And Wife Duo To 6-Person Private Practice That Can Run Itself Without Us”

Dan Trussler opened VITAL Health with his wife, Holly, seven years ago to help people take ownership of their health and empower them to improve their fitness and vitality. He started his career as an osteopath for Worcester Warriors, a local rugby club in his home city, but soon realized he had a passion for helping live healthier lives more so than helping athletes with sports performance training.

“I’ve always wanted to be the captain of my own ship,” Dan explained. “A great opportunity came up where I could set up my own premises so my family and I decided to move across the country to pursue it.”

“Initially, it was me and my wife. We only had one child at that point so while he was at nursery, or he was being looked after by one of the family, my wife would be on the reception desk and I would be on the treatment room.”

Since joining our world, Dan’s business has expanded considerably, with 6 members of staff now on board.

VITAL Health
Dan and the VITAL Health Team

“How I Went From A Great Physio To A Great Physio Owner”

Dan joined our world in mid-2023 following the summer Mastermind event held at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London, jumping straight into the Mastermind program.

“I was a listener of Paul’s podcast for years,” Dan mused. “His story resonated with me. There were just so many similarities. He started in professional sports like me, he was an ambitious guy who wanted to grow beyond the limitations other people had set for him, and he has four while I have three.”

“Mastermind was the right step in my career at that point. I needed to take my business to the next level as I was tired of treading water.”

When asked what he enjoyed most about being a Mastermind member, Dan said the events are a real highlight in his yearly calendar.

“I really enjoy Paul’s in-person events; I’ve been to back-to-back events in Dublin following on from the London Mastermind last year. Just allowing yourself the time away from the business to refresh and reenergize with like-minded peers is huge.”

Achieving Back-To-Back, Record-Breaking Months By Becoming A Better Leader

Dan has just achieved record-breaking revenue in the past two months and his clinic has never been busy. He says this is the culmination of applying a lot of teachings over the last ten months:

“It’s all come into fruition. My leadership skills have improved over time and, because of this, I now have a great team who are pulling in the same direction. We had a fantastic January which was a record month, followed by another record month in February, and we topped that again in March.”

“We have achieved a 43% improvement when compared to last year. This equated to a £30k revenue spike in March, the highest figure we ever earned in a single month!”

“At first, I was drawn to Mastermind because I needed to improve my marketing and sales strategies but, as time’s gone on, I’ve realized the leadership qualities you develop is the most important ingredient for growth.”

Another vital lesson that Dan learned was that recruiting a team with the right attitudes and character was vital for a productive workplace culture. A culture that has no tolerance for toxicity or an acceptance of sub-par standards, where company values are upheld and staff is motivated to help the business succeed.

After all, how many of you wouldn’t want to create a workplace culture like that? How many can confidently say that you have this in your business?

“The additions I’ve made to my team are committed to the roles and have had fantastic starts to their time with us. If I hadn’t developed the leadership qualities I now have, creating a good culture wouldn’t be possible and I would find myself in a state of constant hiring.”

“I’ve Got No Worries About Leaving The Business To Spend Time With Our New Arrival”

Having established a strong company culture, Dan has been able to reduce his treatment hours from 25 hours to 15 hours a week. This time has been put to good use as Dan is now working ON the business rather than IN it by shoring up his marketing.

He explained: “We’ve done a lot of paid advertising through Facebook and
Google in the past 3 months. We’ve also had a big focus on getting out in the local community, giving talks, hosting workshops, and offering our services at sporting events. It’s starting to pay dividends.”

“While at the Mastermind event in London, Paul walked us through an exercise where we looked at how we spend our time during the week. I was spending way too much time treating clients and not enough time developing my team or setting the vision.”

His determination and application are starting to pay off as Dan and his family are enjoying more financial freedom.

“We’ve got to the point now where my wife was able to completely remove herself from the business” Dan said. “And she now spends most of her time with our children. We’re expecting our fourth child in September and it’s going to be a busy end of the year but I’m now in a position where I can remove myself from the business to spend time with my family and not worry that it was imploding without me being present.

With the births of his first three children, Dan couldn’t be there as much
as he would have wanted, but now he is upskilling his team so he can spend
time off with his new arrival to enjoy much-needed family time.

Who wouldn’t want this?

“My team will have full ownership and responsibility of the clinic during this time and have trust and confidence that they will keep the business ticking over until I return in early 2025.”

“Next year, the goal is to grow even further. Our projected profit for 2024 is £75,000, which is an increase of £25,000 on the previous year’s earnings. We’ve added £40,000 in revenue from 2022 to 2023 and are continuing to recruit staff to match the demand we’re seeing. Everything is trending in the right direction.” 

Want More Profit, And To Spend More Time With Your Family With A Better Work-Life Balance As A Private Practice Owner? 

Then join us at one of our world-famous events that business owners like you, travel across the world for. You can find out about our upcoming events at

Or looking to fix your bad website, make social media effortless, and put systems into your business that make marketing easier, and you more money?

Then click here to learn about my PhysioFunnels Marketing Program, as well as get a free info pack, or request a free 1-1 demo to see whether it’s right for you.

Not ready to come to an event or request a demo yet?

Dan mentioned that he has listened to the podcast for years, and you can tune in to The Paul Gough Show at as well as all major podcast streaming platforms. 

Another place to start is with one of my best-selling books which you can find out about at I’ve written books that cover everything a private practice owner would need to master – marketing, sales, hiring, leadership, and my latest book – Extraordinary Achievement – which shares the most important lesson I’ve learned about how to get to the next level of success in business and life.

Whichever option you choose, the most important thing is that you do something differently to what you are currently doing.