If you’ve been frustrated, even a little bit angry at the lack of good, qualified PT clinic owners showing an interest in you at recent events you’ve been sponsoring – and you want to find an event to sponsor that will truly deliver the quantity and quality of leads you are looking for, I have the solution.
But first, let me tell you who I am and what brought this letter about.
My name is Paul Gough.
I’m the owner of a four-clinic physical therapy practice, a former professional soccer physical therapist, and I’m the Author of 5 Amazon #1 best-selling books on Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Sales, Leadership, and Hiring for Physical Therapy clinic owners (www.paulgoughbooks.com).
I’m now widely regarded as the “go-to-guy” in the PT Profession for Marketing and business advice (… other people’s words, not mine).
Since establishing my own successful PT practice, I now consult and work directly with PT Clinics from all across America and in the last five years I have built a community of more than 5,000 clinic owner clients.
Over 400 of them are in an Annual Membership Program with me. The best part is that 3 x per year, these members attend the type of event that you’ve been dreaming about finding, where the prospects there are actually looking to invest in what you’ve got.
These clinic owners pay me anywhere from $247 per month to $3,500 per month to be part of my ongoing programs, and they receive marketing and business support from me.
These business owners are VERY different…
They think differently. They have a different level of ambition, and they CRAVE business success.
They’re not your typical PT who just wants to get better at PT… They’re ENTREPRENEURS who are willing to invest in their business success and in a moment, I’ll explain how you might be able to get in front of them.
I’ve spent 14 years running my various companies in both the UK and USA and I’ve been where you are – Stuck at that booth, away from home and your family, wasting time standing around making ZERO connections, or sales, let alone quota.
The whole time you are thinking to yourself: “why the heck am I here? I could be back at the office actually getting some productive work done!”
Because I know how frustrating this must be to you (especially NOW when the economy is too good and many of these prospects have so much money to spend with you), I decided to write to you about a MUCH better way to get in front of the quantity and quality of PT clinic owners (decision makers!) you’ve been looking for.
There is a limit to the number of vendors at our events; therefore, the ratio of prospects to vendors is approximately 20 to 1, sometimes more.
The PT Clinic owners at our events pay a high price to get in ($13,000 per year is the average fee) and are there to learn how to be better ENTREPRENEURS not just better PTs.
Entrepreneurs are willing to invest in themselves and their business and they are happy to be sold to. This makes them far more successful than the average PT; their mindset is different; they embrace selling and know that they have to invest in the best things in order to be successful. Plus, they aren’t there for a free ride or to keep up with their “CEUs” or anything like that, which makes them far better prospects for you.
We don’t “nickel and dime you” over every little expense like carpet, electricity, lighting, etc. (...a REAL pet peeve of mine!). Many venues use this as a “bait and switch” where they advertise cheap booth spots, only to double your costs by these necessities. In some cases, it’s so ridiculous that I’m surprised they don’t charge you to use the toilet!
To be blunt, I want you to make money. Look, I am a business owner just like you. I know how hard it is. That’s why I’ll do everything I can to help you to succeed whether it is endorsing you from stage or encouraging you to come into the main room to sit with our members and be PART of the event - not just a sponsor of it.
I want you to come to my event and walk away with LOTS of LEADS and turn those leads into high value clients. The biggest thing that you will have on your side is my backing - I’ll encourage my people to do business with you. I’ll make you part of our family and I’ll make it easy for our members to approach you and feel confident about doing business with you. I’ll do everything for you that I wish the organizers of the events I’ve been to recently would do for me. Unlike most Physical Therapy events, I actively encourage SELLING
“Paul loudly bangs the drum for cash-based services and not relying solely on insurance companies for revenue, which means the business owners at his events are in the right mindset to invest their money with my products.
We have been to several of Paul’s events now and each time we see an audience that’s willing to participate. When people walk by the booth, they may have heard Paul mention us on stage, seen our ads in Paul’s newsletter, or heard interviews on Mastermind calls, and that gets us off to a really strong start with relationship-building.
Ultimately, Paul has a personality that draws you in and you can’t help but take his advice and listen to him and I look forward to having much more success down the road as we develop this exciting and fruitful partnership.”
Stan Esecson
Chief Idea Officer at Stimpod
“Making the most of Paul’s big events is a key part of our success. We have built up strong relationships with some great PTs and business owners. In working with Paul Gough, we meet and partner with PTs who are committed to helping their patients get better faster and doing the activities they love, and the activities they love, so they are more than happy to invest in our products because that’s exactly what they’re designed to do. ”
Brendan Fletcher
Regional Manager at Curamedix
“Sponsoring Paul’s events, and working with his team, and getting involved in his community is a win-win-win for everyone involved. There are many gurus and coaches in healthcare, but few are as authentic and knowledgeable as Paul.
Paul’s events are completely different to other conferences and trade shows. The positive energy that encapsulates Paul and the community he has built is incredible, and we jumped at the opportunity to work with this community.
I’ve been to many trade shows and coaching events but they’re nothing like Pauls events. At business conferences and seminars, people expect it to be like a classroom – boring or purely instructional. But with Paul’s group, it’s different. We love the energy and buzz that these events generate and we’re proud to be involved and share what we offer with Paul’s community.”
Jonathan Davis
VP of Sales at PT Everywhere
You can also send an email to Barry@paulgough.com to express your interest.
Also, keep in mind that there is an application process we require to make sure the sponsors we accept are a “right fit” for our members. If you are a brand-new sponsor to us, that’s all the more reason you need to contact us right away – that process takes a bit of time, and you don’t want to be the last person in the line or miss out on the next Big Event.