
“Perception + Emotion = Logic (PLUS, How To Raise Your Rates To $225)”

This episode of the Audio Experience is about raising rates - and how to do it by following the “P+E = Logic Formula” that I have lived by since I first studied it…

This is one of my favourite audio clips - as it features two PT’s in the same room with me (at my 3-Day Marketing Event) whose clinics were just two blocks away from each other in the D.C Area… and yet, both were charging wildly different prices!

One PT had a cash-pay rate of "$135” - the other, she was charging “$225”. How the hell can that be possible?

What’s funny is the one charging “$135” was ADAMANT that no-body “in my town” (I hate that phrase) would pay more for Cash PT - UNTIL she had proof that it could be done…

What’s even funnier is that as the two PT's discussed their rates - and both decided to RAISE them - another PT in the room (from Florida) was so inspired by what he was hearing that he too decided to raise the rates by another $30!

It is amazing what happens when you are in the right room, with the right people - you often see the opportunity that is sitting right underneath your nose…

Thumbnail image: That’s me with PT Business Owner, Nancy Branberg from Arlington, during my 3-Day Marketing Event in one of the most beautiful cities in the US, Washington D.C!

For more details on the “More Cash, More Profits” 3-Day Workshop that Paul runs across the US and at his clinic in the UK, go here: www.ptprofitacademy.com/profits-workshop

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