Paul Gough

Brandon’s Front Desk, Sue, Regularly Calls to Reactivate 20 Patients Per Week

Brandon Evans, Proactive Physical Therapy and Wellness, Louisville, KY

Brandon Evans, a member of Paul’s Mastermind Program, describes his front desk, Sue, as ‘invaluable’.

Proactive Physical Therapy and Wellness has 2 locations in Louisville, KY.

There’s Brandon, a marketing assistant and Superstar Sue, with another front desk/office admin on the way to split the position. Brandon treats around 25-30 patients a week, with the aim of helping people understand that there are alternatives to surgeries, pain medications, injections, and other costly procedures that will provide long-lasting outcomes, rather than “quick fixes”.

And now it’s the turn of Sue to tell her story. What her regular day consists of, how she goes about her tasks and just how much she enjoys her work!

Sue Prince, Front Desk, Proactive Physical Therapy and Wellness, Louisville, KY

She told us: “My early morning routine is similar to my last task of the day. Opening/closing/reviewing our 5 pieces of software that we currently use to ensure everything is updated and accurate. A week in review consists of preparing for the day’s patients. Typically we schedule a patient on the hour. If it’s a new patient, I meet them at the front door and walk them back. If it’s a “regular” I review notes of the last visit, texts and mentally prepare for a wow encounter.”

“It helps that I like people and am interested in their stories (we never speak about their aches and pains… just enjoyable interesting conversation). I usually see patients before and after their sessions. While they are in session with Dr. Brandon, I carve out time to organize and handle the needs of the current patients (schedule changes, read & respond to texts, send reminders, field questions, update patient notes) I then turn my attention to ALL the others (leads, GAS, discharged).”

There’s a lot of tasks to consider and carry out, but Sue attacks them all with gusto, safe in the knowledge that they work and they ensure positive outcomes.

She said: “We recently came up with a 10/10 formula. Call 10 leads a week, Call 10 GAS patients per week. A lot of times I can combine any of those with a current marketing campaign (which makes it easier to reach out with a purpose). I keep my eye on the clock in an attempt to clear my desk and be ready for the next patient of the hour!”

“We are still implementing new procedures (checks & balances) and reviewing their effectiveness. Throughout the week/day, I find time to enter and review statistics, listen in on Zoom calls, read and reread PG modules, work out new scripts, edit marketing materials, attend to business-related tasks and update Dr Brandon with important matters.”

And Sue added: “There’s other tasks too: maintain office and clinic supplies, light cleaning, make videos and all other duties requested by our beloved owner.”

“We are a new business – only a year in. Dr Brandon has done an amazing job building the business on his own and made the huge leap to bring on a marketing assistant and then a front desk person during that year. The release, switch and level of trust that Dr Brandon has given us made it easy for me to “take over” the front desk with confidence.

“Listening to Paul’s videos and having the support of weekly meetings with Barry gave me tremendous insight and support.”

The importance of building an understanding with patients cannot be underestimated and that is most certainly the case here. She added: “I feel I have special relationships with all our patients and yes, I think it does help the business. Direct marketing campaigns allow us to keep the name ProActive Physical Therapy and Wellness current, therefore making it more likely that previous patients to turn to us when needed or make a referral.”

“It’s essential that all front desk personnel believe in the services we provide. If they haven’t gone through the experience as patients themselves (which I strongly encourage) they at least have to listen to all the success stories from the patients that have been through a successful plan of care and how it has changed their life.”

“You will understand and become a true believer in the philosophy and practice of physical therapy and it will make your job easier and fun. It will change your mindset from a position of this being “just a job” and propel you into superstardom!”

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