
"Help! I've Started A Clinic And my Marketing Isn't Working" | Episode 176

This one is on the back of a coaching call I had with a clinic owner who told me her “marketing wasn’t working”. She’d started a clinic and no matter what she did, she couldn’t get any patients coming through the doors.

Starting a clinic without any understanding of how marketing actually works is very common – and a very painful experience when you’re living through it. It’s common to blame “the town” or the “insurance system” or “doctors” etc, but there’s actually 9 SPECIFIC reasons why you’re marketing might not be working and in the is podcast I walk you through them all. Think of it as a marketing success check list.

Enjoy the show. As mentioned on the call, the New Patient Accelerator Marketing Masterclass starts 30th September, head to this link to enrol in the class if you think your marketing isn’t working as well as you would hope: www.AcceleratorNow.com

Exclusive Live Training with Paul Gough - Sat 21st and 22nd Sept 2019, 12pm EST - Get the most successful clinic marketing campaigns of 2019 when you register free here:



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