Paul Gough

“What Are The Biggest Problems in Your Business Currently?” : Live From Stage | Episode 196

In today’s episode I will be bringing you back to our mastermind event in Las Vegas where in the second session I opened up the room for the members to ask him any questions they have about how to solve the biggest problems they currently have in their business’.

Questions that were asked during this session were:
“How do I convert more patients from their initial eval to a plan of care?”
“Where should I focus my marketing? And how do I get my admin more involved?”
“How do I sell my products at the end of a patients Plan of care more effectively?”

If you have wondered what it is like to attend one of Paul’s events, this podcast will be perfect for you.

If you enjoy this podcast, and you haven’t booked your seat for our upcoming Mastermind event in Orlando, Florida on November 9th and 10th, do it now before all the seats fill up, head over to or send an email to to see if you qualify for a “tour pass” to see if our mastermind program would be a good fit for you.

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