Paul Gough

“How do we make The Covid-19 Situation worse?” : Strategic Planning | Episode 329

Today, you will be listening into one of our mastermind calls I had two weeks ago. During the call I asked my community “How could you possibly make this situation worse?”

Clinic owners from around the world chime in with what they think they need to avoid, after a lot of great input I decided to ask “How will you do better in the second half of the year?”

How do you do better during the second half of the year you may ask? Well you need to listen to this podcast to find out but some key points that are covered include:

  1. Getting off your rear end and putting in the work
  2. Stay Positive
  3. Start Early

My “How to recoup the cash you’ve missed out on” seminar is filling up quick. It’s happening this weekend, May 16th at 11 am Eastern. I’m covering everything from “The 4 money getting strategies to recoup the income you’ve lost since corona virus started” to what his predictions are for the next 6- 12 months within private practices.

If you want to end the second half of this year strong, head to to claim your seat. We are keeping this seminar capped at 100 people so don’t wait to long to sign up!

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