EP023: Real Wealth (And The 7 Reasons Most Business Owners Never Achieve It!)

Most business owners are wanting a higher income from their efforts - I get that. But if you keep focusing on a higher income without asking “how do I use this income to get wealthy” - then you will always be working for a living harder than you could/should be.

Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, high-flying CEO’s - a lot of them make a very good living. They have a high income but not many ever get to call themselves “WEALTHY”. They work very hard every day for their high income but if they ever stopped going to work - the income would soon dry up.

“Wealth” and “high income” are very different, and I want to bring your attention to how you can get wealthy. Given that 80% of wealth creation is PSYCHOLOGY, (the other 20% is mechanics), in this episode I cover the biggest psychological pitfalls of wealth creation - and how to avoid getting snagged by the common mistakes business owners make, trying to achieve it.

Note: Paul has just announced new dates for his “More Cash, More Profits” 3-Day Marketing Workshop - full details are here: www.ptprofitacademy.com/profits-workshop

Thumbnail image: Here I am with some of the UK's, Ireland's and Scotlands, top Physio Clinic owners, John Prouse, Dave O'Sullivan, Ryan Rieder, Gav Noble and Colin Gordon, after wrapping up day 2 of my UK Mastermind at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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