EP040:Strategic Planning: And Making Better Decisions About Your Business

This episode is about introducing you to something called Strategic Planning - ultimately, the process for being in a position to make better decisions about your business.

I just came off the back of an epic weekend in Orlando with my Mastermind Group where I went in-depth into the subject with 135 clinic owners.

I share with you some highlights and takeaway from the event and talk to you about things like creating an Annual Budget, Variance Analysis and the different tools you’ll need if you want to be able to make better decisions about your business.

If you like what you hear, and you want to work with me in person to create a Strategic/Annual Plan for your business, I’ve created a 1-Day workshop around this topic that runs every Quarter - send an email to paul@paulgough.com for more information if you’re interested.

The next best way to get started with working more closely with me is by registering for a free 60-day of my Cash Club Program: www.ptprofitacademy.com/cash-club

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