Paul Gough

Paul Gough


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How Can I Grow My Company And Increase Profitability?

How Can I Grow My Company And Increase Profitability?

Every conversation will sound something like, “but I work really hard. I put lots of effort in this business. I worked really hard for this company.”  And what they’re saying is, “I can’t really define what I actually did.”  My parents have raised me to be a good guy and work hard, right?  So, whatRead More…

How Do I Get To A Point Where Approval Isn’t Needed?

How Do I Get To A Point Where Approval Isn’t Needed?

The Best Thing I’ve Learned From Dan Kennedy  Let me tell you the best thing I’ve ever learned from Dan. One of them. There’s so many.  But this is one of the best. It’s called approval not needed and it’s a principle. It’s a way of living. It’s a type of life. It’s a quality ofRead More…