As small business owners, we also have to be mindful that vulnerability and transparency are the key to unlocking the customer. The closer we are to that customer, the closer our relationship is with them. The more we share with them about the successes and the failures of our business, the more people want toRead More…
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Tag: small business
Can You Remain Balanced In The Pursuit Of Success?
I think you can remain balanced internally, but not externally. These are two different. I absolutely believe that for an entrepreneur, you will always have somebody who wants your attention. You’ll always be needed. Somewhere the family will want you and you’ll go. The business will want you and you’ll go. You will always beRead More…
Interview With Kevin O’Leary | How To Increase The Lifetime Value Of A Patient
[Paul] We’ve been speaking a lot about the importance of customer lifetime value… How important is that to you that, when you get that customer, you go on a journey with them that lasts forever? And what kind of specific things might we be able to do in our business as a physical therapy companyRead More…
How Can Shifting Your Mindset From Practitioner to Marketer Change Your PT Career?
This is one of the best things Dan Kennedy ever taught me. It was quite interesting because I’d spent my whole physio career wanting to be the best physio. I spent my entire life thinking that if I was the best physical therapist, if I had the best skills, if I was the best clinicianRead More…
How Do I Get To A Point Where Approval Isn’t Needed?
The Best Thing I’ve Learned From Dan Kennedy Let me tell you the best thing I’ve ever learned from Dan. One of them. There’s so many. But this is one of the best. It’s called approval not needed and it’s a principle. It’s a way of living. It’s a type of life. It’s a quality ofRead More…
Is Your Bad Relationship With Money Stopping You From Growing Your PT Business?
We’re revisiting my trip to see Dan in Cleveland, and today, Dan Kennedy and I are discussing the factors that keep business owners from achieving financial success. You must have the right mindset and behavior to be successful. Did you know we are less than one month away from our big event in Cleveland? JoinRead More…
The Absolute Joy of a Massive Tax Bill
This article is not about tax season, it’s more about the bigger broad point of why you’re running a business in the first place and that is to get WEALTHY. Never forget that. Write it down. There’s a higher purpose to the company that might involve serving people better than anyone else but the pointRead More…
Is It Really The Government’s Fault?
Over the last year or so – and probably for the next year (if not longer), most people are going to look to blame the government for the financial predicament that they find themselves in. I say MOST people. There’s approximately 1% of the population who will NOT. They are the entrepreneur millionaires. The big mistakeRead More…