Paul Gough

“The $3000 Investment that Completely Transformed Keith’s Clinic and Mindset”

“Little did I know in that moment how transformational this would become. I had an idea and vision of what it could possibly become, but not to the extent that it has”

Keith Roed is a BIG advocate of Paul Gough, the programs, and his outlook. After jumping into Business Growth School, then into the 4% Club, he is now 3 years into CEO Mastermind membership, fresh from attending the recent Group 3 meeting in Celebration, FL.

And the business has only gone one way since starting that journey: there’s no sign of the rise slowing down!

After starting Impact Physical Therapy and Wellness in 2018, Keith has just enjoyed his most profitable quarter yet and is aiming to hit the £1m mark in the next year.

With two clinics, the main located in Sioux City, IA, and the second in Akron, IA, there are 2 FT PTs, 2 FT PTAs, and a Front Desk, labeled as Director of Magic. Keith is also recruiting for 1 / 2 more PTs as well as an Operations Manager and an SDR in the near future.

The hybrid clinic is majority insurance based, with a Perfect Patient who enjoys staying active or trying to get back to their active lifestyle with less dependence on pain pills, injections or surgeries, even if they have had pain for years.

Keith’s journey in Planet Paul started in January 2018: “I first really heard of Paul while on a webinar from another individual and what that person had to say about him intrigued me.

“I jumped on Paul’s BGS webinar the next week and made the decision to take the leap and go all in.

“At the time I had been considering starting my own practice, given where my mind frame was on what I wanted to do with my life/career. My wife was a little nervous at dedicating that type of money to the course at first, but I told her it was an investment. I rationalized ‘If whatever I learn from this guy allows me to get 3-4 patients, then I’ve made my money back.’

“Little did I know in that moment how transformational this would become. I had an idea and vision of what it could become, but not to the extent that it has. I remember Paul mentioned he was going to be in New Orleans, LA for his marketing conference.

Developing a growth mindset is a basic quality that most business owners have and he knew seeing Paul and understanding this aspect was crucial to his success.

I needed to go meet this guy, booked a ticket, and flew down to meet him all by myself. I had never done anything like this before but knew it was the right choice and the thing I needed to do.

“They were some of the best 4 days I have ever had. Not only did I get to meet Paul, but I networked and met many others in this community. I can confidently say I have made lifelong friends and deep lasting relationships with numerous people I met that night, and many more that have come along, in a way that I would otherwise have never met.”

Keith was instantly taken by Paul and his ways, methods, and means and added: “I have always had immense respect for Paul and what he teaches or has to say.”

“I was very impressed with his style and ability to speak to things that in my mind just made sense…. like, this is the way it should be and supposed to be. Not only are there great and numerous business lessons, but I feel the best thing that he does is brings it around full circle and speaks to how it affects your life.

“So many people talk just about the business aspect of things and not the life portion. The reality is that you cannot do that. Who you are in life is who you are in business and vice versa. There have been many things that Paul has said over the years that have made me pause and self-reflect.

“Take things in, be present, be more aware, and have a further understanding of why people react the way they do or why I react the way I do. How that affects me, and those around me including employees, patients, my family, and my kids, ultimately creates awareness and allows me to see the world from a different view.

“He is a constant student of life, always learning and the thirst and pursuit of knowledge to make himself better makes him an easy person to lean into and take advice from. He’s constantly pushing for self-improvement, which then has a trickle-down effect on all of us.

“This is perhaps the most impressive thing about Paul; he is always improving, getting better, and very wise well beyond his years. I would say he hasn’t changed over time but evolved. He has done exactly what he teaches each and every one of us to do and is the quintessential leader by example.”

As well as learning from the top, getting a business coach which was something he craved, and soaking up all the knowledge from Paul, the community of small business owners and members have proved invaluable for Keith.

It’s not only the friendships but the chance to lean on others, to learn from their experiences in business, and come up with a growth strategy.

“The ability to get a group of like-minded individuals who want to sincerely help each other out so that we are all successful is impressive,” he added. “I have never seen anything like it. You not only learn from Paul but from all of the other members as well while creating relationships with other practice owners from all over the country and even the world.

“At the end of the day business is business. The message may be different for another clinic than mine, but the process and execution of how they did it is the takeaway. Being a part of this community has given me a much deeper understanding of business in all aspects and provided the clarity and confidence that has led to scalable and predictable success.

“The vision has grown and evolved with more self-awareness and a better understanding to help provide direction for where I want to go and lead my team going forward.”

Keith started with BGS then progressed into the 4% Club and recalls an inspiring phone call with Paul ahead of stepping up which was the real start of his journey.

“I had told him how excited I was and why I was a good candidate to join, that I was going to go out and do my own thing,’’ he said. “Paul tells the story better but I was steadfast, driven, and determined as hell. I went to my first MM event in Columbus in 2018 and the next week opened the doors on my clinic in Sioux City.

“Things went well the first year and I expanded and grew to a second location in year 2. I joined CEO Mastermind in 2020. The transformation and impact have been amazing. To think it all started with a $3-4k investment which has led to an organization that in the next year will very likely generate $1M of revenue.

“To start by yourself and to grow a team of 5 within 3 years and looking to add another 2-4 hires in the next few months is very exciting and sometimes hard to believe.”

This year has proved a stellar one for Keith. Q2 was the most profitable quarter since opening with profit was not far off all of 2020.

He is now in a position to fill out the organization chart completely, which will allow him to step back almost entirely from patient care to focus on the higher level of creative thinking while mentoring and leading to get the best out of employees to run the business the way he truly envisioned it to be run.

He added: “The 3-year anniversary was great. We had a wonderful turnout and many past and current patients came out to say hello. We also did a special Referral for Reward program for the 3-year anniversary that included a Traeger Wood Pellet Grill and a $300 meat package. This helped curtail what would have typically been a slow month by adding 16 new patients into the clinic, mitigating and reducing any drop that would have naturally otherwise occurred.

“Taking action and planning does pay off!”

And, as he looks back and reflects with pride on his time in Paul’s World, Keith offered some wise words: “As you grow and develop, it can be easy to get bogged down with the day-to-day activities and operations of the business. When this happens it can be hard to see the forest through the trees. Never forget why you decided to do this in the first place. What is your purpose and your eventual goal?

“Don’t get trapped in thinking you have to do all of this yourself. Surround yourself with others that will help you achieve your goal. Free yourself to create time for you: self-reflection and self-awareness. You are the biggest asset to the business and the creative force behind it.

“Ensure you take care of yourself so that you can be your best self is imperative to your success. There is no ladder or next step for you to climb. You are the ladder; you just need to fill the rungs beneath you.”

Join Paul Gough’s Exclusive Business Success Mastermind Program for Physical Therapy Owners

Mastermind ProgramThis Program is all about YOU – and showing you what it takes to be able to grow and build a REAL business. One that can make you more profit and give you more freedom so that you’ll be able to do “simple” things that many business owners can’t – like leave town for a few days and still have a business to come back to.

Have access to closed door meetings, Q & A calls, and VIP events with Paul and his team to focus on marketing strategy and implementation for your clinic. Get individualized help with Facebook Ads, Google and Remarketing set up, and everything else you need to be trained and confident that you have the skills and network to build your business and generate more leads and revenue than ever before.

This Program is only for people who are serious about adding a minimum $100,000 to their income.

Submit Your Application to Join Mastermind